


Scholarship Competition

Partner Schools



Scholarship competition is organised by Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego


What period does the scholarship cover?

The scholarship is awarded for the two final years of high school.

Will I need to apply for a Visa?

Scholars studying in the UK must apply for a Child Student Visa. Scholars in Austria do not need a visa.

Are the official exams in partner schools accepted in Poland?

Yes, some of the schools offer A-level exams and some IB exams, both of which are accepted in Poland.

Can I choose the school I will go to?

No, you cannot. You may indicate your preference when it comes to the school choice, but the final decision regarding recommendations belongs to the selections committee which knows the traits and requirements of each school. We always try to fit a scholar into a school that, we believe, will suit them best.

Can I apply for university in the United Kingdom after graduation?

Yes, you can. It is worth noting, however, that the fee costs increased drastically as a result of Brexit. A lot of our scholars find scholarships which cover most if not all the costs of university in the UK. Alternatively, they decide to move to the US or one of the European countries, like the Netherlands, Germany or Spain.




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