Scholarship competition is organised by Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego
Donations of 1.5% of your tax are a very important source of support for our scholarship found every year. We encourage all members and friends of Polish Scholarship Scheme to support our actions this way.
Since 2011, it is no longer necessary to enter the full name of the organization in the tax return.
3.The money - 1.5% of tax due - will be transferred by the tax office to Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata account within 3 months.
11 1240 6175 1111 0000 4569 5140
Full details for international money transfers: Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego ul. Nowy Świat 72/9, 00-330 Warszawa
SWIFT: PKOPPLPW Account number: 11 1240 6175 1111 0000 4569 5140